College & Career Ministry
The Providence Baptist Church College & Career Ministry is a safe place for college-aged young adults to enjoy each other’s company while growing together in Gospel faith and practice. We operate under the belief that the Word of God is best studied in context, that it is accessible and profitable to everyone (2 Timothy 3:16-17), and that the Church benefits when all believers share what God is teaching them through his word (Proverbs 27:17).
Bible Study
We gather on Wednesday evenings for Bible Study from 6:30pm-7:30pm. This group tends to study the Bible book-by-book. Also, we ask participants to study for themselves a selected portion of text in advance of our meeting, then come ready to share their observations in group discussion. See the calendar below for details of what we’re studying each week.
We also have a small group meeting Sunday mornings from 9:00am-10:15am. This group operates more in line with other adult Grow Groups at Providence, using a published curriculum for systematic study of the Bible.
Upcoming Events
Young adult life doesn’t have to be all higher learning and work and no play. Whether it be pure recreation or joyfully serving together, we try to find ways to gather and enjoy each other’s company outside the classroom, too. Watch this space, check out the calendar below, and subscribe to our Instagram feed @pbccollegeandcareer and GroupMe (by invitation out of respect for privacy) for the most up-to-date information on upcoming events.