Impact Student Ministry is changing the lives of Middle and High School Students
by introducing them to a growing and active life with Christ.

The above statement isn’t just a catchy slogan, it’s what IMPACT is all about.  A life with Jesus Christ is exciting, challenging, and the most rewarding experience a person can have and we want to introduce and encourage middle school and high school students to begin and develop that kind of life.  You can download a detailed copy of our Philosophy of Ministry here.

By being a part of IMPACT, you’ll be a part of a group of your peers who are developing that same relationship with Christ.  You can expect to be a part of fun and meaningful youth worship events, deeper discussion in a smaller group of students your same age, and lots of other opportunities for special events like worship events, mission trips, retreats, and other monthly special activities.

Grow Groups

Sunday Mornings at 9am

Grade-based fellowship groups that “do life together.”  You may talk about what’s happening at school, the application of the teaching focus for the week, pray for and with each other, do mission work together, and just have a great time!

Small Groups

Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm

Our mid-week small groups are a chance for students to gather together to hear a short biblical lesson, then they are broken up into age and gender-specific groups where they make practical applications and experience biblical community together.


Monthly on a Sunday Evening at 5pm

Converge is a corporate worship event specifically designed for Middle and High School students. Students are encouraged to invite their friends that may not normally go to church.  Each service includes music, prayer, games, and a time of opening God’s Word.

PARENTS:  We require that students participating in off-campus activities have an annual Medical Release Form filed with the Church Office.  This form provides important medical information and serves to protect both your student and the church in the unlikely event of an emergency medical situation.  If the student is under 18 years of age, this form must be notarized.  For your convenience, we will be organizing opportunities for you to meet with a notary here at the church. 

Upcoming Events and Activities

**If finances are keeping a student from participating in an event, please email Evan. We do not want a student to miss out on an event due to finances**

To stay up to date with what we are doing, you can like our Facebook Page: Impact Student Ministry of PBC and follow us on Instagram: @impactyomin 



22nd – Ice Cream Social (4pm)

We hope you and your family will join us for our church’s annual Ice Cream Social! Bring a church of your favorite homemade ice cream and join us! This will also be the “formal” unveiling of our newly renovated Family Life Center!

29th – Converge (5pm-7pm)

Converge is a corporate worship event specifically designed for Middle and High School students. Students are encouraged to invite friends who may not normally attend church.  Each service includes music, prayer, games, and a time of opening God’s Word. After each service, we will have a FREE DINNER for everyone!


4th – High School Girls Outdoor Movie (6pm-9pm)

High school girls, join your small group leaders for a fun night of fall desserts, an outdoor movie, and dinner at the Powell’s house! Each student will need to bring a dessert to share. Dinner, (charcuterie food) will be provided. To sign up for this event, click here.

5th – Middle and High School Guys Night (6pm-10pm)

Middle and High School guys, this is a night for you to come and invite your friends for a night of “Grill and NO CHILL!” We will grill some burgers, play some games, and have a ton of fun hanging out together! We will plan to host everything outside in the parking lot, but will move into the gym if it rains. You can RSVP here so we can know how much food to prepare.

11th-13th – Fall Retreat – Garden City Beach, SC

This year for our Fall Retreat, we will be heading back down to Garden City, SC. We will be staying at the Garden City Chapel for a weekend of spiritual

 recharging and a lot of fun! The cost for the trip is $150 per person for the entire weekend which includes: transportation, lodging, and 6 meals. We will be meeting at the church on the 11th at 2pm (CCS half-day) and return approx. 4pm on the 13th.  The deadline to sign up for the retreat is Sunday, October 6th. And you can pay online on our giving page.

To sign up for the Fall Retreat, click here

Students will need some money for one fast food meal on Sunday. This is always a great trip and you are going to want to be a part of it! Our theme this year is called  “different”. We will dive deep into what it means as followers of Christ to be different than the world and be challenged to look more like Jesus.

.We will also be having a Halloween Costume Party for everyone!! The contest will have 4 categories, “Individual Homemade”, “Individual Store-Bought”, “Group Homemade”, and “Group Store-bought ” so get ready, because it is going to be great! We will also be having our third installment of the “Uncivil War”! You are not going to want to miss out!

Here is the packing list for the weekend! – Fall Retreat Packing List


**NO Converge this month because of the Fall Retreat**

Girl’s Pumpkin Carving Pizza Night! (6pm-8pm)

All Middle and High School girls, and their friends, are invited to a night of fun with their small group leaders! Girls need to bring a pumpkin to carve, and a dessert to share. Pizza and drinks will be provided, as well as carving utensils. This event will be at the church, but will be outside most of the time, so dress warm! To RSVP click here.

Fall Sunday Afternoon Bible Study (4pm-6pm)

One of our families is hosting, at their house, a Bible study for all Middle and High School students! Hayden Carter will be leading a study on the character and attributes of Barnabas, and how his life was shaped by the gospel. This study will start on Oct. 20th and end on Nov. 24th (there will not be a meeting on November 17th because of Converge). This is a great chance for students to engage in God’s Word together and to invite some friends! Mr. Carter will have some light snacks and drinks. The Carter’s Address is – 2609 Willis Dr. Harrisburg, NC 28075


17th Converge (5pm-7pm)

Converge is a corporate worship event specifically designed for Middle and High School students. Students are encouraged to invite friends who may not normally attend church.  Each service includes music, prayer, games, and a time of opening God’s Word. After each service, we will have a FREE DINNER for everyone!


5th-8th Bethlehem Village 

We hope you and your family will help us as we share Christ will Harrisburg through our Bethlehem Village. Stay tuned for details on how you can serve and help!

13th Hawaiian Luau Christmas Party (6-9pm)

Get ready to head to the islands as we celebrate Christmas in Hawaii! We will have lots of games, food, prizes, and fun! Please bring a food dish to share with everyone. Evan will provide the drinks, we need everything from fruit and veggie trays to desserts! Please send food in disposable containers, if possible, so we are not having to wash a lot of things nor track down who owns what. We are also limited on outlets so we cannot plung in a bunch of crock-pots. 


Popular Food Items: Dips, nugget trays, sandwich trays, chips, pizza rolls, desserts, sausage balls, little smokies, taco packs, pizzas, etc.

RSVP your student here, and let us know what food you will be bringing!


Looking Ahead:

REACH Conference 2025 – March 28-30

Crossroads Summer Camp 2025 – July 14-18