Impact Student Ministry is changing the lives of Middle and High School Students
by introducing them to a growing and active life with Christ.

The above statement isn’t just a catchy slogan, it’s what IMPACT is all about.  A life with Jesus Christ is exciting, challenging, and the most rewarding experience a person can have and we want to introduce and encourage middle school and high school students to begin and develop that kind of life.  You can download a detailed copy of our Philosophy of Ministry here.

By being a part of IMPACT, you’ll be a part of a group of your peers who are developing that same relationship with Christ.  You can expect to be a part of fun and meaningful youth worship events, deeper discussion in a smaller group of students your same age, and lots of other opportunities for special events like worship events, mission trips, retreats, and other monthly special activities.

Grow Groups

Sunday Mornings at 9am

Grade-based fellowship groups that “do life together.”  You may talk about what’s happening at school, the application of the teaching focus for the week, pray for and with each other, do mission work together, and just have a great time!

Small Groups

Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm

Our mid-week small groups are a chance for students to gather together to hear a short biblical lesson, then they are broken up into age and gender-specific groups where they make practical applications and experience biblical community together.


Monthly on a Sunday Evening at 5pm

Converge is a corporate worship event specifically designed for Middle and High School students. Students are encouraged to invite their friends that may not normally go to church.  Each service includes music, prayer, games, and a time of opening God’s Word.

PARENTS:  We require that students participating in off-campus activities have an annual Medical Release Form filed with the Church Office.  This form provides important medical information and serves to protect both your student and the church in the unlikely event of an emergency medical situation.  If the student is under 18 years of age, this form must be notarized.  For your convenience, we will be organizing opportunities for you to meet with a notary here at the church. 

Upcoming Events and Activities

**If finances are keeping a student from participating in an event, please email Evan. We do not want a student to miss out on an event due to finances**

To stay up to date with what we are doing, you can like our Facebook Page: Impact Student Ministry of PBC and follow us on Instagram: @impactyomin 



26th – Converge (5pm-7pm)

Converge is a corporate worship event specifically designed for Middle and High School students. Students are encouraged to invite friends who may not normally attend church.  Each service includes music, prayer, games, and a time of opening God’s Word. After each service, we will have a FREE DINNER for everyone!


14th – Middle School Girl’s Valentines Hang Out! (6pm-9pm)

Middle School girls are invited to the Powell’s house to hang out, play games, bake some desserts, and have some fun on Valentine’s night! To RSVP, Click here!

23rd – Ping Pong Tournament (3pm)

Put your skills to the test in our annual Ping Pong Tournament! The tournament will be in the youth room before Converge. Prizes will be given to our winner! If you have any questions, you can reach out to Josh. 

23rd – Converge (5pm-7pm)

Converge is a corporate worship event specifically designed for Middle and High School students. Students are encouraged to invite friends who may not normally attend church.  Each service includes music, prayer, games, and a time of opening God’s Word. After each service, we will have a FREE DINNER for everyone!


28th – 30th – REACH Conference 2025 

REACH Conference operates a bit like a weekend retreat — except you don’t have to leave town!  Students will be assigned to a host home from Providence Baptist Church with other students of their same age and gender.  At these homes they will engage in Bible-based discussions facilitated by leaders within the church and community; have down-time goofing off with their peers; have some home-cooked meals; and perhaps even a little bit of sleep at night!  Groups then come together at Providence for large-group worship (featuring live and exciting music) and Bible study sessions.

Choosing to stay overnight in a host home is strongly encouraged but is optional, and students can still participate in the weekend even if they do not feel comfortable staying in a host home.  

Head over to the REACH Conference Page to get all the details for the weekend and to sign up!


27th – Converge (5pm-7pm)

Converge is a corporate worship event specifically designed for Middle and High School students. Students are encouraged to invite friends who may not normally attend church.  Each service includes music, prayer, games, and a time of opening God’s Word. After each service, we will have a FREE DINNER for everyone!


18th – Graduate Recgonition 

On this partcicular Sunday we will recgonize and honor our High School graduates. The student minsitry will host a meal for the graduates and their families right after church in the studetn center. Parents, if you would like your student to participate, please contact Evan for more details. 

18th – Converge (5pm-7pm)

Converge is a corporate worship event specifically designed for Middle and High School students. Students are encouraged to invite friends who may not normally attend church.  Each service includes music, prayer, games, and a time of opening God’s Word. After each service, we will have a FREE DINNER for everyone!


Summer Prayer Breakfast

Stay tuned for more information about our weekly prayer breakfast time of community and discipleship! 


14th – 18th – Crossroads Summer Camp

Crossroads Summer Camps has been in ministry for over 20 years. Each summer, churches come together to celebrate the Gospel as a family.  This summer all Middle School and High School Student will have the opportunity to enjoy and experience energetic worship and applicable Gospel teaching together. Students will play games, learn, grow, and worship under the teaching of Clayton King.  The camp is held at Anderson University in Anderson, SC and it is always a hightlight of every student’s summer! 

Total cost is $350 per student, with a sibling discount of $50 for each additional student, which includes activities, room and board (4 nights lodging and 11 meals), camp materials, and camp T-Shirt. For more information about the camp, please visit 

A non-refundable deposit of $50 is due when signing up. The deposit is what secures a student’s spot, not just the name on the sign up form. Space is limited and we have maxed out the last several years. So, get on the list early! As camp gets closer, Evan will provide more specific details.

To sign up click here.