Music is a beautiful gift from God and a biblically prescribed vehicle for His people to express praise and adoration to Him.  Also, children are a gift from God.  So how could the combination of the two be anything less than beautiful?!

Since 2016, the adult worship team of Providence Baptist Church has hosted a series of summertime meetups at which younger school-aged musicians (rising 5th-graders and older) gather to worship God together through their combined musical efforts.  Many of these musicians have gone on to serve in musical ministries at Providence and elsewhere.

We’re excited to extend this opportunity to student musicians yet again for the Summer of 2024!



2024 Dates and Times

  • June 23, 6:30pm-7:30pm – Informational Session
  • July 7, 6:30-8:00 PM – JAM Session #1:
    • Bible study: Word Cloud: One Heart (Unity)
    • Songs:
      • “Battle Belongs” (G)
      • “Confidence” (C)
      • “The Goodness of Jesus” (C)
      • “One Thing Remains” (C)
  • July 14, 6:30-8:00 PM – JAM Session #2:
    • Bible study: Word Cloud: Lord God (Obedience)
    • Songs:
      • “Confidence” (C)
      • “Let Us Adore” (D)
      • “One Thing Remains” (C)
      • “O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer” (D)
  • July 21, 6:30-8:00 PM – JAM Session #3:
    • Bible study: Word Cloud: Love
    • Songs:
      • “Battle Belongs” (G)
      • “The Goodness of Jesus” (C)
      • “Let Us Adore” (D)
      • “O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer” (D)
  • July 28, 6:30-8:00 PM – JAM Session #4:
    • Bible study: Word Cloud: See Jesus (Gospel)
    • All songs!


Song Title (Key)



“Some Song” (?)
Some Artist

Transpose Value: +0 (? ⟶ ?)

  • Chord Chart (PDF)
  • Chords-over-words Chart (PDF)
  • Lead Sheet (PDF)
  • Interactive Chords
A song.

Listen to all our songs in the Young Musicians JAM Series 2024 playlist on Spotify!

NOTE:  We rarely perform songs in the same keys in which they were recorded.  Use the recordings to learn the overall flow of the song, but use the sheet music to practice playing the song yourself.  Guitarists, to play along with the recordings, put a capo across the fret that corresponds to the positive-valued (e.g., +3) “Transpose Value” listed above.  Keyboardists, set your keyboard’s “transpose” to the “Transpose Value”.  Drummers … well, you are the exception — shove in some earbuds and jam away to these recordings because the song key doesn’t matter for your instrument.

JAM Series FAQ

Q:  Who is eligible to participate in the JAM Series?
A:  The JAM (Jesus and Music) Series is offered to older students (rising 5th-graders and older) with demonstrable musical competency on an instrument or vocally.  Students must be able to read and play/sing from sheet music (chord charts and, if available, lead sheets) with limited assistance.

Q:  Are you offering music lessons for young musicians?
A:  No.  The role of our adult leadership team in this is to organize, direct, and encourage the student musicians.  We may advise regarding song arrangements, key selection, and individual contributions.  We will certainly assist with understanding musical notation when questions arise.  But if the student cannot practice and sing/play through the selected songs alone at home, they are not ready to do so in a group context.

Q:  My young musician plays the ________.  Can he or she participate?
A:  At Providence, “the sound of live worship music” comes in three basic flavors: a) traditional piano and organ, b) modern rock band, and c) solo orchestral instruments (generally accompanied by the piano).  Of those, we primarily use the middle flavor (modern rock band) in support of congregational singing.  That’s not the only way it can be done, of course, but in this season of the church’s history it’s who we are and what we do well.  As such, the JAM Series is best suited to those instruments which are typically found in the modern rock band lineup:  strummed strings (e.g., acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitar, mandolin, banjo, ukelele), bowed strings (e.g., violin, cello), hammered strings (piano/keyboards), and drums (e.g, kit, cajón, djembe).

Q:  My young musician cannot attend all the planned sessions.  Is that okay?
A:  Absolutely!  We understand that the JAM Series occurs during prime family vacation time and certainly do not wish to disrupt that.  We ask only that for the sake of helping us plan, you let the leadership know in advance about any expected absences.

Q:  What will my young musician need to bring?
A:  Unless told otherwise, students should assume that they will be using their own equipment and sheet music.  For example, electric and bass guitar players should be prepared to bring their own guitars, amplifiers, and all necessary cabling; drummers should plan to bring their drum kits, cajóns, djembes, or other percussion instruments.  After the roster is settled, we may inform your student that he or she no longer needs to bring their own instrument if comfortable using one offered by the church.

Q:  Is the JAM Series an audition for Providence’s student worship band?
A:  Absolutely not.  While the adult leadership of the JAM Series will unavoidably notice which students demonstrate a readiness to participate in the student worship band, that’s not the point here.  We want every young musician to be able to enjoy making music with their peers without the pressure of feeling like they have to “measure up”.


Feel free to contact our Worship Leader, Mike Pilato (, with any questions you may have.


Easter at Providence

March 31, 2024, beginning at 8:30am

But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised. — 1 Corinthians 15:13-15 (ESV)

Easter is the single most important holiday on the Christian calendar, and we enjoy celebrating it here at Providence.  Please join us on this special day for the following events:

  • 8:30am – Our adult choir will present their annual Easter cantata, My King Is Known by Love.
  • 9:15am – Our small (Grow) groups will meet for Bible study and fellowship.
  • 10:30am – We gather as a large group in the Sanctuary for our worship celebration.


Journey to the Cross

An interactive Good Friday experience.

Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 3

REACH Conference 2025 – March 28th-30th

Our towns, schools, and even churches are full of young people being taught by society that the world is just a place to exist until the end of their days.  They are spending those days without hope or any sense of true purpose — completely unaware that ultimate hope through the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is freely available!  Shouldn’t someone tell them?  We think so!

The purpose of REACH Conference is to help middle- and high-school students know who Jesus Christ is and what he has done for them.  We want students to grow deeper in their faith in Jesus Christ, beginning to grasp what this relationship we have with Jesus involves.  Lastly, we want students to own their faith enough to understand the need and the urgency of the Gospel and to be able to share it with others.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”  — Acts 1:8

“One Church, Serving One God, Reaching the World for Christ.” 

How Does It Work?

REACH Conference operates a bit like a weekend retreat — except you don’t have to leave town!  Students will be assigned to a host home from Providence Baptist Church with other students of their same age and gender.  At these homes they will engage in Bible-based discussions facilitated by leaders within the church and community; have down-time goofing off with their peers; have some home-cooked meals; and perhaps even a little bit of sleep at night!  Groups then come together at Providence for large-group worship (featuring live and exciting music) and Bible study sessions.

Choosing to stay overnight in a host home is strongly encouraged but is optional, and students can still participate in the weekend even if they do not feel comfortable staying in a host home.  

2025 Conference Theme:  Rest for Your Soul

Are you always tired? Physically, relationally, emotionally, or spiritually? We live in the most connected and busy time in all human history. There is so much pressure to perform, to work, and to strive and because of this, it leaves us exhausted and drained. It has been said that “if the devil can’t make you sin, he’ll make you busy” and our world today operates with the mentality that busy = better. Not to mention that distractions are everywhere. And yet, amid this the Bible tells us to slow down. To rest. But it almost seems impossible! But what if rest comes not from a comfy bed and pillow but from a Person? What if the rest that your soul needs is not merely turning off your phone or freeing up your schedule, but prioritizing the one thing that matters in eternity, your soul? This weekend we will explore Jesus’ invitation to come to him because he is the only One who can provide the rest our soul’s most desperate need. 


Weekend Speaker – Ian Montalto


Ian is the Cabarrus County and surrounding areas director of Youth Commission International (YCI), who coordinates the YCI clubs that meet in many of the local middle and high schools. Ian has a heart for students and equips them to live on mission and to make disciples. Ian has also served as a student pastor in Cabarrus County. Ian is married to his wife, Kaite and has two children, Luka and Stella. 


Worship Music



Friday, March 28

6:00pm – Check in/Dinner
7:00pm – Large Group 1
8:45pm – Breakout Group 1
9:15pm – Dismissal to Host Homes
10:00pm – Small Group 1

Midnight – Go to Bed!

Saturday, March 29

7:30am – Breakfast (Host Home)
8:30am – Small Group 2
10:00am – Large Group 2 
11:15am – Breakout Group 2
11:45am – Lunch at Providence
12:30pm – Afternoon Activity
                  – Wells for West Africa
                     Frank Liske Park
4:00pm – Free Time with Small Group
6:00pm – Dinner at Providence
7:00pm – Large Group 3
8:30pm – Breakout Group 3 // Small Group 3
9:30pm – Special Event At PBC
11:30pm – Dismissed to Host Homes

Midnight – Go to Bed!

Sunday, March 30

9:00am – Grow Groups
10:30am – Worship Service

11:30am – Dismissal 

Saturday Afternoon Activity – Wells for West Africa

At Providence, we have a member of our congregation who has a non-profit ministry that helps build wells in West Africa, where he was born. He then uses the wells as an opportunity to share the gospel as point them to the True, Living Water, Jesus Christ. On Saturday, March 29th he is hosting a community fundraiser to raise support to build a new well for those in need of fresh drinking water. After the lunch on Saturday, we will all head to Frank Liske Park to participate in a 2 mile walk carrying a buckets water, to represent the walk that so many have to do in order to have clean drinking water. Our hope is this event will open students eyes to the reality of the need for clean water around the world and serve as an example of how meeting someone’s physical needs can open the door to meet ones spiritual needs. 

What to Bring

Here is what you need to bring for REACH Conference!

  • Bible
  • Pen and Journal
  • Clothes **Will need good walking shoes for Saturday afternoon**
  • Sleeping Bag and Pillow
  • Toiletries/Washcloths/Towel
  • Notarized 2025 PBC Medical Form (see below)
  • Snacks and a 2-liter Drink to Share at the Host Homes
  • … and an excited and positive attitude, expecting God to do great things this weekend!


Registration fees for this year’s conference have been set at $60.  At a price that low, what’s keeping you from registering online right now?! The registration deadline is Sunday, March 23rd. If finances are preventing you or your student from participating in REACH 2025, please contact Evan. We do not want anyone to miss out on the weekend due to finances. 

Below you can download all of the necessary forms for the weekend. The first is a conference schedule detailing the event and locations. The second is a Medical Release Form.  We require that students participating in off-campus activities have an annual Medical Release Form filed with the Church Office.  This form provides important medical information and serves to protect both your student and the church in the unlikely event of an emergency medical situation.  If the student is under 18 years of age, this form must be notarized. A notary will be available at the conference during check-in on Friday. If a student already has a form from other events this calendar year, they do not need to fill out another one. 

Weekend FAQs

Have some questions about the weekend? Check here to see if this helps! If not, feel free to reach out to Evan. 


Volunteer Opportunities

Parents, would you like to be a part of this weekend?  We need your help!  If you would like to volunteer to help, please sign up online.  We will need help with the following things:

  • registration Friday night
  • meal preparation and service on Friday and Saturday
  • general support flexing each session to fill in wherever needed.
  • Nurse on campus during events

If you have any questions about volunteering, please email Evan at


Operation Christmas Child

The Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child (OCC) project is a mission outreach which supplies Christmas gifts in shoeboxes to children who might not otherwise receive gifts for Christmas.  The OCC website states that since 1993, more than 220 million boys and girls in over 170 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child.  Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts and share the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ.

Providence Baptist Church supports the Operation Christmas Child project in a number of ways.  First, members and guests of Providence are encouraged to participate by filling shoeboxes for the project and returning them to the church on the designated collection day (which we call “Shoebox Sunday”).  Secondly, Providence serves as a local collection center for shoebox donations from all around the Harrisburg area, providing volunteer staffers for the collection and distribution center delivery work.  Finally, we take a group of up to 50 volunteers to the Operation Christmas Child Distribution Center in Charlotte to prepare and pack donated shoeboxes for distribution.

Will you partner with us as we spread the Gospel of Jesus to children around the world one shoebox at a time?

(For instructions on how to pack a shoebox, see the OCC website’s “How to Pack a Shoebox” page.)

2024 Operation Christmas Child Schedule

  • Sunday, November 17, in the morning worship service — Shoebox Sunday (Providence collection)
  • November 18 – 25 — Providence collection center* open during these times:
    • Monday, November 18, 10am – 2pm
    • Tuesday, November 19, 5:30pm – 8pm
    • Wednesday, November 20, 10am – 1pm
    • Thursday, November 21, 5:30pm – 8pm
    • Friday, November 22, 5:30pm – 8pm
    • Saturday, November 23, 10am – Noon
    • Sunday, November 24, 2pm – 5pm
    • Monday, November 25, 10am – 2pm
  • Tuesday, November 26 — Group trip to serve in the Charlotte Distribution Center*
If you’d like to volunteer to assist with the Providence collection center or to serve at the Charlotte Distribution Center with our group, please contact the church office or register on the sign-up sheets located on the church office bulletin board.

Christmas Eve (Outdoor) Service

December 24, 2024 at 6:00pm

This year, we’re hosting an abbreviated service outdoors in the front parking lot.  Dress appropriately, and bring a lawn chair if you don’t wish to stand through the whole event.

The holiday season can be a busy and stressful time for everyone, where our calendars are filled with events and must-do tasks of both the invited and the obligatory variety.  It’s easy, amidst the chaos of this time of year, to forget exactly what — or Who — Christmas is all about.

We at Providence Baptist Church would like to encourage you to set aside time for worship this holiday season, and we invite you to join us on Christmas Eve for precisely that purpose.  That evening, we’ll celebrate together the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with a time of musical worship and a reflection.  Come dressed as you are or as you wish, whether your evening schedule is wide open or you’re squeezing some corporate worship in between Christmas parties.  Most of all, come ready to experience God and worship Him freely.


December 5 – 8, 2024

Thursday, Friday * Tours depart from 6:30 – 8:30pm
Saturday, Sunday * Tours depart from 6:00 – 8:30pm


Step back in time, and journey through the village of Bethlehem as it might have appeared 2000 years ago.  Meet residents of the village, learn about their trades, customs, and family life, and experience with them the oppression of Roman rule and the joyous hope of the promised Messiah!

This interactive walking tour of our Bethlehem village is Providence Baptist Church’s “Christmas card” to Harrisburg and the surrounding areas.  Each year, over a hundred volunteers work to create an engaging experience for visitors, who travel from near and far to experience this tradition each December.  The guided tour through the village lasts about 45 minutes, arriving at a new stop every three minutes on average.  Travelers are encouraged to respectfully interact with the village residents, asking questions they may have about their trade or customs.  Upon completion of the tour, visitors can warm up in Providence’s Family Life Center with apple cider, hot chocolate, and cookies!

Consider spending an evening with your family in Bethlehem this December!

Visit Bethlehem this Christmas season. Walk-up guests welcome, or  Schedule Your Journey

Volunteer as cast/crew

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much does it cost to attend this event?
Your journey through Bethlehem village and the refreshments that await you at journey’s end are free of charge!  Guests can optionally secure a scheduled reservation for a small donation, which allows them to better plan their journey’s start time, but walk-up guests are always welcome!

How long does it take to tour the village?
On average, guests spend about 45 minutes in the village.

What should I wear?
The village is located outdoors on a section of land near the back of the Providence Baptist Church property. As such, it is susceptible to both to the historically chilly temperatures of early December evenings and to other weather elements during and in advance of the event. We recommend that you dress in layers appropriate to the outdoor temperature. Also, you’ll be guided through the village on an unpaved surface which could be wet or muddy, so bring appropriate footwear, too.

Is the event wheelchair-accessible?
Unfortunately, due to the natural terrain of the village and low lighting, we strongly advise against the use of wheelchairs, and we are no longer offering the golf-cart ride-through option that we’ve offered in years past. The rest of the Providence facilities — including the Family Life Center where post-tour refreshments are offered — are wheelchair-accessible.  

Can I make a reservation for a tour time?
We offer advanced registration (with a modest, non-refundable donation which will go toward a local charitable organization), while still allowing walk-up guests to enjoy the experience on a first-come, first-served basis. We make every effort possible to maintain a steady flow of visitors through the village, but due to the popularity of the event most travelers will have to wait a short while before entering.

Can my group enjoy the tour together?
Absolutely!  The tour is often best experienced when in the company of friends and family, and many in the Harrisburg area enjoy this event annually with their church small groups, extended families, and other social circles.  Out of consideration for others, we simply ask that all the members of your group arrive and enter the tour queue at the same time. Also, due to the nature of the tour, very large groups may to be divided into smaller ones (of around 10-12 guests) to avoid diminishing the experience for your group and others.